Our Mission

To provide a safe, healthy, stimulating, socially rich and comfortable living environment through supportive care and services to members of our community.

Our Vision

A full and meaningful life for residents that is supported by comprehensive, well-managed, high quality care and services in a safe environment; and that provides a model to others.

A mutually-supportive community that includes residents, staff, family, volunteers, visiting professionals, local community members and students.

Our Values

  • We believe in providing residents with optimal care to support and enhance physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, using the highest professional and ethical standards.
  • We believe in responsible support of residents through honesty, trust-worthiness, and confidentiality.
  • We believe in empowering residents, and in respecting residents' rights to explore options and make choices.
  • We believe in mutually respectful behavior among all members of the Evergreen community.
  • We believe in multi-disciplinary and inter-professional teams attaining quality improvement through continuous self-evaluation, learning, and implementation of evidence-informed improvements.
  • We believe in creating and sharing a safe working environment conducive to dignity and self-respect.
  • We as staff believe in acknowledging each other's performance and recognizing each other's value to the facility and to the residents and their families